Ceremonial Perfume Mary Magdalena Ruda Holistica



How Ruda Holitica created the oil

The oils are born from a process of reconnecting with the ceremony of being alive. It is an act in honor of the body and the spirit that dwells within us. The formulas were channeled in different moments and processes, in which I was confronted to expand and grow. Through plants and the connection with nature I received the necessary information to anchor these codes and materialize them in oils.

Few Ingredients

Some of the ingredients are rowse, helichrysum, chamomile, vetiver, and a few more magical essences.

Something Ruda Holistica

Nature has been my great teacher, a reflection of everything I want to become. I see in it everything I want to be and how the world I want to inhabit is. She guides me and connects me with the feeling I work with, unconditional love. And that is what I wish for you through my work, to connect with that frequency.

I fell in love with it, it is now my daily perfume

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